Sunday, January 16, 2011

26.2 miles

Ok, I have ran 3 half marathons so far and loved every minute of each race. The sea of people all running the same race you are, the feeling of accomplishment and and the rush of running 13.1 miles and breaking your previous time overtakes you. The last half marathon I did in Eugene I broke my time by 3 minutes and felt on top of the world. I placed 85th out of a little more than 1500 people. After that race i felt like I could go and run another 13.1 miles.

After LOTS of thinking praying and stressing I have decided to run a FULL MARATHON!!! Yes I am going to run 26.2 miles. Now some of you are thinking why in the world would you want to torture yourself like that. And really I have no good answer for you. I feel that I need to push myself even further. And I know that if the contestants on the "Biggest Loser" can do it then so can I. Looking at my training schedule FREAKS me out. When I see those big mile runs like 16, 18, and 20 my heart races and I get really nervous. I think "how it the world am I going to run that far." And I got thinking. I am going to blog about my adventure in completing a marathon. Then I can look back and see how i felt and what I did. And you guys (if your interested) can follow me. I also hope that this will motivate some of you to step up and challenge yourself in ways you never thought you could. So beginning Tuesday I will have my first post about my first workout.
P.S. The picture above is from the Eugene Marathon, and that is just a small amount of the people in the race.

1 comment:

Oh Happy Day Design said...

Good for you Amy! I know you can do it no problem and I will be following your training :)