Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas with the Minton family

Part of our family tradition we are starting is on Christmas Eve we are going to make sugar cookies. Jaxon had fun for a while, but he is still too young and his attention span isn't that long. But it was fun to watch him try to cut out all the cookies, and try to frost them. He mostly ate the dough and frosting. Next year he should be better at it and last a little bit longer.
This was Jace's first Christmas. Even though he didn't do much, I still wanted to get some memories on camera. Here he is with some of his presents. It is hard to buy for a 2 month old. So he didn't get much from us. Next year he will have a better Christmas.

Jaxon LOVES it when I vacuum. So Jay and I decided to get him a vacuum for Christmas. It was so much fun to watch him open all his "priz" as he calls m. He loved everything hgot. We also got him a fish for his fish tank. We asked him what he wantedto name him he said "mouth". So the newest addition to our family is Mouth the fish.

Christmas Castle

Durring the power outage we had to find things to do. So Jay decided to make Jaxon a fort made out of all the blankets in the house. They named it Christmas Castle. It was really big, and it even had a marine and a tiger to stand guard at the door.

Arctic Blast

On the morning of Dec 13th we woke up to the beginning of a snow storm. Little did we know it would last for over a week. We haven't had this much snow if about 40 years. The last time I measured we had a little over 6 inches. The snow was cool, but it put a lot of stress on us to get all of our Christmas stuff done

There was so much snow on our cars that we couldn't really get in unless we stood outside and scraped all the snow and ice off the car.

The snow plow had to come and plow our street. It was crazy to see all the piles of snow on the side of the road. It reminded me of going over the pass. It sure makes a big mess though.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jaxon's 2

On Nov 9th we got to celebrate Jaxon's second birthday. It is so crazy how fast the last year has gone. Last year we had a huge party, and beings I had just had a baby I wasn't feeling like doing a big party again. So this year we keep it small and just invited our family. I made him a fish cake, and he blew out his candles all by himself even before we could sing to him. Even though we keep it small he still made out with a ton of presents. It was so fun to watch him get so excited over every single one, and he loved to open them. His favorite present was the Handy Manny truck/workbench that his pappa Jeff got him. We are so blessed to have such an amazing family who loves our kids. Jaxon did miss his Aunt Meggie, Uncle Brett and grandpa who weren't able to make it to his party.

First smiles

Ever since Jace was a few weeks old, I alwasys said that he was going to have such a cute smile, and couldn't wait for him to flash his little smile. One night while I was making dinner he decided he wanted to smile. And I was lucky enough to get them on cammera. It is crazy how a smile can totally change the way they look.