Sunday, April 26, 2009

Deceptively Delicious

When Jaxon was a younger I was having a hard time getting him to eat his vegetables and would do anything to try and make him eat them. Then one day I was watching Oprah, and Jessica Seinfeld was on. She has a cookbook called Deceptively Delicious. She takes fruit and vegetable puree's and mixes them in with other food to get your kid's to eat them. What a genius idea, a little odd, but genius. I got the cookbook and put it to good use when I first got it. It takes a lot of time to get all your puree's made up. I got frustrated and gave up. But this last time I went grocery shopping, I decided to get it out again and find some yummy stuff to make.

This afternoon as I was sitting around waiting for the boys to wake up I decided to start making my puree's. So i steamed some carrots, and red pepper. (Tonight I am going to try some sloppy joe's) I also roasted a sweet potato and a butternut squash. After a few hours in the kitchen I had enough vegetables for a couple dinners, and some baby food.

As I was waiting for my butternut squash and sweet potato to be done I decided to make a chocolate peanut butter dip. OH MY GOSH PEOPLE IT IS SO GOOD! I don't really like peanut butter with chocolate, but I took one bite of this and fell in love. So know you may be asking, what is the recipe. Well it is your lucky day because i will give it to you...

1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup fat free cream cheese
6 T. chocolate syrup
1/2 tea. salt
1/4 cup carrot puree

Stir the peanut butter, cream cheese, syrup, carrot puree and salt together until smooth and serve with fruit slices.

But my main reason for writing this is to get all you mommies out there to buy this cookbook. There are some amazing recipes in it. They may seem a little weird with the vegetables in it, but it is good. I made a chocolate cake with beets in it that was really good. Venture out of your box and try something new this week. Veggies are very good for you!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Yoga boy!

Jaxon always keeps in laughing. He is the most amazingly smart kid ever. He will see you do something once and want to do the same thing the next day. I bought the Biggest Loser weight loss yoga video and Jay and I have done it a few times. This morning he gets out the yoga mat and asks to do yoga. So I put the movie in and got his workout for the day.

Every time we watch the Biggest Loser and he sees Bob he says "yoga guy" or "yoga on." Even if he sees the Biggest Loser logo, he says "yoga" I think I might have a little obsession with the Biggest loser. Every day he amazes me with what he says. I go to bed wondering what he will to tomorrow.
warming up

more warm up

He seems to know what he is doing

downward dog

Big toothy smile

Jace's first two teeth.

My guitar Hero

We borrowed my dad's Wii for a couple day's, and I quickly became addicted to guitar hero. So Jaxon would have to sit there and watch me play. One day he decided that he wanted to try it too. So I let him rock out for a while, and he then became addicted. I think we need an intervention.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Minton family gathering

I am so lucky to have an amazing family. I love all my in-laws so much. Not everyone gets along with their in-law's, but I am one of the lucky ones. This last weekend we went to the beach for my mother in-law's retirement party and her 50th birthday. We all rented a house and spent the whole weekend together. The longest we have all been together is a couple hours. This was an amazing weekend that I will never forget.

The weather was absolutely amazing while we were there. We spent a good couple hours playing on the beach on Sunday. Jace wasn't a happy camper though. He cried for the first half hour or so until I got him to go to sleep. Once he was sleeping we made sand castles, buried Andrew up to his neck in sand, played soccer and just enjoyed the nice day. We even got some sun burns. It definitely made me want to go back to the beach. I just wish every time we went was that nice.