Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mission Complete

Ever since watching the "Biggest Loser" last season, I have been so motivated to run a half marathon. My sister Megan and I talked to each other and decided that we would train together and run one. I looked online for a race that we would want to do and signed up for it. We decided on the Champoeg 5k/half marathon that was on September 19th. We started out with 2 weeks of just running for 30 min. And then we found a 10 week training program that we followed. The schedule looked like this.
103Rest3Walk 2Rest13.1Rest21.1
There was 3 weeks in there that I couldn't run because I broke my toe, but other than that I stayed on the schedule pretty good. I must say I got a little wore out of running about half way into it, but I knew if I slacked I would regret it down the road.

After months of training it was finally race day. I was so excited and nervous. I just wanted to get it over with and say that I completed 13.1 miles. My friend's Mindy and Desi came over the week before the race and we all tye dyed shirts for everyone to wear. It was so much fun and got me even more pumped for the race. On race day I woke up at 5:30 am, and heard it pouring down rain. I was so mad. I don't mind running in the rain, but not pouring rain. Finally at 6:45 we had the boy's all ready and headed out to Champoeg.

Megan and I had an amazing support system. My friend Desi and Mindy were there with their kids. Our parents were there and so was Megan's in laws. Megan's friend Jenna also surprised her at the finish line.

Our race stared at 8:30. We took off and I felt good. I was going to stay with Megan but needed to go ahead. I was kind of nervous at first because I though am I going to tire out? Maybe I need to slow down. But I couldn't. I keep on going. Once I got to the 2 mile mark I was doing about 8 min. miles. I got to mile 7 and started to feel a pain in my foot. Yep... it was a blister. I didn't have moisture wicking socks on and my soggy foot was rubbing on my shoe. I pushed through the pain and keep on running. After a while it didn't hurt as bad. I keep on chugging my gel packs and finally after 1 hour 56 min. made it to the finish line. Oh man was I so excited to get there. The first thing I did was give my family a hug and get a banana and water. A little later I decided I was going to go find Megan and run in with her. I cheered for her and told her to pick it up. After I cheered her in I finally took off my shoe and discovered how big the blister actually was. It is HUGE! But I didn't care. I was still on my high. I felt so accomplished and proud of myself. People have asked me if I am going to do a full marathon now and my answer is NO!!!! I don't think I could do one. 13.1 miles is a long way and 26.2 is WAY TO FAR! I couldn't imagine how I would feel after that race.

I woke up this morning and every muscle in my legs hurt. I couldn't get out of bed without holding on to the wall. I don't think I have ever been this sore after a run. But it is all worth it. As soon as this blister goes away I will be hitting the road again for more running. That was not my last race, I look forward to breaking my time!!
a before shot

Megan stretching

Getting ready to start

Patiently waiting while eating cheerieos

My babies chearing me on

Our fan club minus my mom

Mile 2

I don't remember what mile this is
1 hour 56 min later

Sweet sweet victory

My amazing little family

The rodies

our cool shirts

addiction update

So my plan was to update my blog more often about my journey to quit drinking diet pepsi or anything with artificial sweetener in it, but I have been so busy. I went 1 week without taking a drink of DP. I didn't want or crave it at all. i was very surprised. I thought for sure it would be so hard. It must have been a sign that I needed to quit. But I went to Bend to visit my sister and we had pizza. And you CAN NOT have pizza with out a pop. But I only had a tiny bit. And again to my surprise it didn't taste as good as I thought it was going to. Whenever I want something other than water to drink I will get an iced tea without sweetener in it.

So on my second week I did really good too. The only time I really drank DP was after my half marathon. My dear friend's Desi and Mindy brought me one at the finish line, but I only took a few drink of it and threw it away. And then today I did have a can at lunch. But I am not going to go back onto my 2 32oz cups of it a day. I am going to try and stay away from it. If I am out to dinner or something I MAY have one, but I will try and always get a tea.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Diet Pepsi Soft Drink Can 330ml Ref A01094 [Pack 24]
For as long as I can remember I have been addicted to Diet Pepsi. I love everything about it. When I was pregnant with Jaxon I quit drinking it, but then once he was born I started up again. I actually had one with my dinner once I could have food after my c-section. I tried to quit when I got pregnant with Jace, but I couldn't do it for the life of me. I think that is when my addiction really started to get bad. I couldn't even quit for the baby growing inside me. Ever since then I have tried to either quit or cut back, and have failed at both of them. It seems like once I tell myself that I am going to quit I want it even more. So last night I decided I am going to quit cold turkey, and I am 100% sticking to it this time. I know I will feel so much better and I could lose the extra pounds I have around my mid section if I just stick to it. So I am going to journal throughout my recovery process. I think it will help me and it will be fun to look back and see how I felt during the whole process.
So today I did really good. I didn't have a single drink of it. But boy did I want one. I am really trying to stay away from the artificial sweetener that is in it. But I did have a couple glasses of iced tea with some sweet n low in it. I just wanted to get it out of my fridge. So now if I make tea I am not going to put the sweetener in it, and I am going to drink a lot more water. I even put a gallon of water in my fridge so it will be nice and cold for me when I need it. I have not had a real craving for it today, but it is only day one. We will see what the rest of the week holds for me.